Next up... O'Reilly's Velocity 08 (June 23 -24). Velocity is a new conference dedicated to operations and performance for web-based businesses. The speaker lineup and the early attendee list bodes well for plenty of interesting and lively conversations. ControlTier will have a booth in the exhibit hall so if you attend Velocity stop by for a demo of our latest tools or to swap war stories with our hard working engineers. Not registered for Velocity? Use the registration code "vel08js" for 20% off.

Whether it be at conferences, user groups, or other forums... we love meeting other folks in our field. If you have any suggestions, leave a comment or send us an email at automation@controltier.com.
Thanks. Im Inspired again.
i wanted to know in the new version of conntroltier is there an option for add objects and types from a template. if yes can you tell me how it is doing ?
Hi jojy,
Yes you can generate object and type definitions from template files. For example, if you wanted to generate a set of objects based on an existing data set, there are a couple of approaches I can suggest:
1) Write a script that generates project XML documents. See http://open.controltier.org/Workbench/Docs/reference/project-v10.html
2) You can also use the "Register" command to create objects from a script, presumably driven by a data file.
I can help direct you to the best approach if you can provide a little more information about the kind of data you want to generate and from what existing source.
I am trying to install the latest version of Control Tier in my QA env. I am not able to login to the workbench. I dont know what is the issue in the configuration. can you please help me out here.
The .ctierrc has got the following settings
# this file was generated by ControlTier installer.
export CTIER_ROOT=/opt/ctier
export CTL_HOME=/opt/ctier/pkgs/ctl-1.1
export CTL_BASE=/opt/ctier/ctl
# Server settings
export JETTY_HOME=/opt/ctier/pkgs/jetty-6.1.10
export JETTY_LOGS=/opt/ctier/pkgs/jetty-6.1.10/logs
export JAVA_HOME=/usr/java/jdk1.5.0_06
CONFIG_PROPS="-Djobcenter.config.location=/opt/ctier/jobcenter/jobcenter-config.properties -Dreportcenter.config.location=/opt/ctier/reportcenter/reportcenter-config.properties"
export JAVA_OPTIONS="-XX:MaxPermSize=128m -Xmx2048m -Xms256m -Djava.io.tmpdir=$JETTY_LOGS $CONFIG_PROPS"
if [ -n "$BASH" ] ; then
. $CTL_HOME/etc/bash_completion.sh ;
if [ -t 0 -a -z "$CTL_CLI_TERSE" ]
I have the following settings in the jetty-6.1.10/webapps/itnav/WEB-INF/classes/auth.properties has updated with the details mentioned in the config doc in the website.
/etc/openldap/slapd.conf also updated with the details in the document.
I have created some users in the ldap db. Still i am not able to login to the workbench.
I am seeing the below exception in the log file
2008-09-19 00:04:29.656:/cometd:INFO: Classpath according to the init parameter is:
2008-09-19 00:04:29.658:/cometd:INFO: Class name is: jsresources$jsp
2008-09-19 00:04:38.000::WARN: AUTH FAILURE: user admin
2008-09-19 00:04:40.043:/cometd:INFO: JspEngine --> /pages/logon/LoginError.jsp
2008-09-19 00:04:40.045:/cometd:INFO: ServletPath: /pages/logon/LoginError.jsp
2008-09-19 00:04:40.046:/cometd:INFO: PathInfo: null
2008-09-19 00:04:40.046:/cometd:INFO: RealPath: /opt/ctier/pkgs/jetty-6.1.10/webapps/itnav/pages/logon/LoginError.jsp
Any help to fix this issue will be higly appreciated....
Hi jojy,
The installer creates a file-based authentication config. Users are defined in: $JETTY_HOME/etc/realm.properties
The default login/password is default/default.
Also, I encourage your subscribing to the Google group http://groups.google.com/group/controltier where we can assist you further.
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